KANGAROO PAW / The Natural Face Lift.
In ELASTIC LOVE, Kangaroo Paw is there to reduce wrinkles, rapidly tighten sagging skin, and replenish Linoleic Acid to stimulate cell regeneration, strengthen barrier function and lock in hydration.
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FROM VINE TO FACE / Red Grapes + Über Antioxidant Resveratrol
Usually, this time of year, I transition my skin from daily sunscreen to lighter anti-oxidant oils like SUMMER WINE brimming with natural Resveratrol – a natural polyphenolic plant compound most abundant in the skin of red Grapes, and every Sun seeker's best friend with antioxidant efficiency far higher than Vitamin C and E.
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A fair few decades ago, most coffee coffee was produced naturally, as a ‘forest understory crop’ – grown under the shade of orchards, forests and trees, requiring minimal water and zero chemicals. It was small scale, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial to the communities.

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