Australia is a tough place to live as an 'introduced' plant. Hunted, ripped out and poisoned with Roundup, a carcinogenic broad spectrum herbicide unleashed upon Earth by toxic monopolist Monsanto. There's a fervent zeal about nurturing only what's native, what 'belongs', with perplexing ignorance of the cycle of migration and nauseating disregard for Nature's ability to find her own balance.
Having been a designer but not seeing the usefulness of another product or thing in this world with so many, brought me to a crisis of identity and meaning. Happily, this crisis coincided with my wife and business partner's inspired movement towards a skincare line of such grace and alignment.
Biodynamic – literally meaning Life Force, this beautiful idea of working in sync with the Sun, Moon and Stars makes a lot more sense when you consider the life giving forces these celestial bodies have on our Earth.